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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Talbot's Philosophy Department Mourns the Death of Dallas Willard

Dallas Willard's academic influence permeated from within and beyond the University of Southern California. As a former trustee, his impact upon Biola University, and especially her philosophy faculty, is significant. Scott Rae, Chair of Talbot's Philosophy Department, says of Dallas:
We at Talbot, and especially in the philosophy department, are deeply saddened with the homegoing of our mentor and friend, Dallas Willard.  We want to remember his immense contribution, not only to Talbot and Biola more generally, but specifically to our philosophy program.

Dallas was a source of great encouragement to us when we began the program some 20 years ago and has remained one of our best friends and supports for our ongoing work. He mentored a number of us in our doctoral programs at USC, marked us deeply and impacted not only our professional lives but our spiritual lives as well.  He was very inspirational to us to remember the right things and set our priorities accordingly.  He modeled the kind of humility that continues to, we hope, define our community, where we take God's Kingdom very seriously, but do not take ourselves that seriously.

We will miss him greatly and will always appreciate his calm demeanor, well thought out views, the priority of the Kingdom and his love for Jesus.  We know he is better off, but I'm pretty sure we're not--his loss is incalculable.  Thanks, Dallas, for your investment in our program, faculty and students.
Scott Rae, Chair of Talbot's Philosophy Department, was at USC from 1988-1992, and his dissertation was on the "The Ethics of Commercial Surrogate Motherhood."

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Blogger machinephilosophy said:

Dallas Willard was a very seasoned and intellectually streetwise academic. His brief response to Nielsen in the book, Does God Exist?, the 1990 annotated book that is based on and includes the 1988 debate between J. P. Moreland and Nielsen, is a concise and elegant demonstration of this.

Although I sharply disagree with Moreland's cursory dismissal of Nielsen's Independent Moral Criterion Argument (which ironically is the ONLY reason I came to believed in God after 26 years of being a closeted but hardcore philosophical atheist (Stratonician, via Antony Flew), Moreland too has clearly been around the block a few times in philosophy, something also made obvious in that book. Both men are superb scholars and have exhibited a rare grandeur in their scholarship, their character, and their decorum. Anything they have written deserves careful study.

Dallas Willard was one of the most striking pastoral Christian philosophers since O. K. Bousma.

By Blogger machinephilosophy, at April 8, 2014 at 8:54 PM  

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