Thursday, January 13, 2011
Call for Papers: N.E. Regional Meeting of the EPS
Northeast Regional Meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society
April 9, 2011
Bethel Seminary of the East in Auburn, Massachusetts
In conjunction with the Northeast Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society
Theme: "A Theology of Disability and Suffering”
Paper Proposals on this or other topics in Philosophy are due by email on January 27, 2011.
Each proposal should be approximately 300 words and include the gist of the argument of the paper. Please include name, email and institutional affiliation.
Presentations should be 20 minutes in length to allow a brief time of Q and A.
Accepted proposals shall be notified by February 14.
Email proposals to
Patrick T. Smith, Gordon Conwell
Greg Ganssle, Rivendell Institute at Yale
Labels: 2011 EPS conference, call for papers, news